Commercial Water Restoration in Miami, Florida

We all know that water naturally flows, and when given the chance, it seeps and saturates and travels downward. So if the sprinkler system in a high rise building malfunctions on the 30th floor, depending on just how much water leaks, floors 1 through 30 can all be affected. Unfortunately, that’s just what happened in

Fire Safety Tips for Parents

Becoming a parent is one of the hardest and most rewarding things life has to offer. The first time you look into your child’s face, you experience so much love, pride, and also fear. Questions fill your mind- How do I change a diaper? What if my baby gets sick? Do I have what it

How to Prevent Mold Damage While on Vacation

The summer months in Florida are HOT. The kind of hot that hits you like a wave of boiling water when you walk out your front door, and then bakes you like a convection oven until you’ve reached air conditioning once again. Because hot’s not just hot in the South East, it’s HUMID as well.

Water Restoration in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

Most of us are familiar with the phrase “when it rains, it pours.” And, sadly, most of us have seen that phrase proven true at one time or another, or perhaps many times in our lives. But for one of our customers recently, that phrase took on whole new meaning. Already faced with great hardship, he

Mold Remediation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

As is typical for this time of year, we’ve had some powerful thunderstorms in Florida lately with whipping wind and torrents of rain. Perhaps during or after one of these storms you’ve noticed a large wet spot on a wall under a window or in a corner of the ceiling in your home or business.