A few weeks ago, the focus of a weekly blog post was the amazing Certificates of Satisfaction (COS) that Joe Taylor Restoration typically gets from our customers after a restoration job is complete. Often, however, in addition to the COS, customers go above and beyond, emailing managers and even Joe Taylor himself to detail how

Mold Remediation Questions

Mold remediation can be an invasive, lengthy, complicated, and expensive process even when choosing the right restoration company. But choosing the wrong one can be a disaster, both structurally and for the health of inhabitants. Therefore, it is extremely important for property owners to ask key mold remediation questions before hiring a restoration company for

Preparing for Hurricane Season 2019

It’s that time of year again- hurricane season- a season that visits Floridians every year just as surely as the winter season does not. The 2018 season was a doozy, particularly for those residents in the Florida Panhandle, and the 2019 hurricane season could be almost or even equally as active. The National Oceanic and

Fire and Soot Damage- Fort Meyers, Florida

At Joe Taylor Restoration, we are proud of the Certificates of Satisfaction (COS) that we get from our customers. They almost always come back with straight “yes”es for satisfaction and a rating of “10/extremely likely” to refer JTR services to family or friends. But it is especially rewarding to receive a great COS from a customer who

Mold Testing- To Test or Not to Test

At Joe Taylor Restoration, we deal with a lot of mold. Mold of all shapes, sizes and colors, as well as varying degrees of mold damage. As mold remediators licensed by the State of Florida, we get questions often concerning mold testing. There are times that the answers are a bit more complicated and specific