Focus: Helpful Tips from JTR

Lately, I have noticed that it is extraordinarily difficult to focus on singular tasks. The ever increasing “noise” of the world around me becomes louder and louder and my intent to focus is constantly challenged. Social media, texts, emails, phone calls, etc. are relentless in their pursuit of distracting me from the real work that

Customer Spotlight: Tampa, Florida

This month’s Customer Spotlight: Tampa, Florida points out some of Joe Taylor Restoration‘s (JTR) great strengths- our team members’ ability to explain things well and give property owners peace of mind.  Maddie, a property owner in Tampa, was stressed and overwhelmed dealing with, not only water, but also mold damage. After contacting her insurance company,

Customer Spotlight: Fort Myers Beach, Florida

Welcome to the month of April! Spring celebrates all things new, and so in the spirit of spring, Joe Taylor Restoration (JTR) is delighted to bring you a fresh Customer Spotlight from Fort Myers Beach, Florida. This month, the Fort Myers Beach spotlight is on Gretchen and her experience with water damage and mold remediation

Employee Spotlight: Steve McGrath- Headquarters

As we say goodbye to March, we say hello to another Joe Taylor Restoration (JTR) Employee Spotlight. This time, the focus is on Steve McGrath, an Administrative Assistant at Headquarters who has been with JTR for four and a half years. Steve highlights something that is exceptional about JTR- the incredible team of people with

Customer Spotlight: West Palm Beach, Florida

We are quickly marching through March, so before it’s gone, Joe Taylor Restoration is bringing you this month’s Customer Spotlight: West Palm Beach, Florida. In this spotlight, one of our customers, Steve, focuses on something that can be quite overwhelming and frustrating for any property owner- mold damage. Finding out you have mold in your